Sveta has kindly agreed to support this section on svetlanakuznetsova.tripod.com. She'll let us know her current likes and interests in here regularly. Check back often! I hope you enjoy
"Sveta's selection".
January 2006
Favorite song - "Check on it (Beyonce)"
February 2006
Number of MP3s on your iPod at the
moment - "I dont have many songs now on my ipod because lately I havent had
much time to go to the internet..around 1000 songs"
Last book you read - "The last book i read was Eleven Minutes by Paulo
Coelho. It's very famous."
March 2006
Favorite soccer team -
"I am not following so much football, but as I practice in Spain I'm sometimes going
to watch Barcelona matches. I think they are such a great team."
April 2006
How did you celebrate your win in Key Biscayne? -
"After my Miami win we just went to a Japanese restaurant to have dinner with my coach, my
agent and friends. And then we went a little bit out, to a night club, but it was pretty short, because I
didn't feel like and I wanted to rest."
May 2006
How does the schedule
of a normal day look like when you are practicing in the Academy? - "My day looks
like: Wake up at around 8 am, then practice tennis for 2-3 hours. Then I come home, cook my lunch, rest
a little or sleep, read or watch tv. Then I leave for a second practice session for fitness ot tennis.
After that I do some stuff that i need for my place or go to the supermarket or to see some kind of doctors or physios
or to do massage. Then I go to dinner with my friends or cook at my place. Some days i have off or just morning sessions. It
depends a lot on the calendar."
June 2006
What does the
tattoo you have show? - "The tattoo is
a tiger. I have it on the stomach, a little lower than the abdominals."
July 2006
What's your favorite place
in Barcelona? - "The favorite place? I guess the sofa of my house to rest heheheh. So
I love to go to one Japanese restaurant with my best friend and have a chat there."
August 2006
During Roland Garros, you did
a funny karaoke session on French TV. Did you ever sing karaoke before? - "I
think it was very bad karaoke. I have never done it before."
September 2006
How much time do you
need at the bathroom in the morning? - "In the morning, i need about 10 minutes
at the bathroom. I love to do things very fast, because I have many of them to do."
October 2006
What is your task when you are
the player representative at a tournament draw ceremony? - "You just have
to be there and sit there. And then you have to draw some numbers if they ask you to do so."
November 2006
December 2006
- No questions due to the off-season this month. Please check back in
January. -
January 2007
What did you do during the off-season? - "I
went to Russia to Saint Petersburg and spent time with my family and my brother's kids. I had fun with friends and
was looking for apartments I could get."
February 2007
What's the last movie you watched and how did you like it? -
"I watched 'Dreamgirls', 'Blood Diamond' and 'The Pursuit of Happyness. The one I liked most was
'Blood Diamond' because it's very emotional."
March 2007
What do you usually do to make a trans-oceanic flight more bearable/comfortable?
- "I guess flights are boring, but with the time I got so much used to it that it's
almost never hard for me, because I never count hours. I just keep doing things during the flight, as it's good
that you have free time when you fly. So you have time to do things which you usually don't have time for."
Do you have any tips for getting over a jet-lag? - "I try
to sleep in flight when it's night time in the next country and stay awake if there is day time. Then, when I
come to the tournament and I want to sleep and it's still day time, I would do a maximum effort to stay awake."
April 2007
Do you remember any situation when you were travelling you feeled
uncomfortable in and what was it? - "My worst flight was from Hongkong to Sydney this
year. I thought I was going to die, I felt so bad, sick, had temperature, a very sore throat and felt very
cold. All people around were sleeping and I wanted to but couldn't. It was the worst that happend to me."
May 2007
What do you like the most about being a tennis player?
- "About being a tennis player there are too many things to like. First, I'm
doing what I love and I love tennis. I travel to many different countries and can learn a lot from other people
and nations...then we earn good money which gives you some freedom which is cool. And what is very nice is that we have
great fans who help us out and make us enjoy our game even more."
What do you like the least/What don't you like at all about being a tennis player? - "What I dont like is that I can't have the pleasure and fun other guys have at my age. But it's
o.k., you can't have all in life. Sometimes it's very hard to practice and travel all the time and have only a maximum
of 2 weeks off-time during the year."
June 2007
July 2007
"Spain is well-known for it's big summer and winter-sales, the 'rebajas'.
As you're living there for many years now, have you ever bought anything
during the 'rebajas'?" - "When I go to shops, it usually doesn't matter if they have 'rebajas'
or not because I don't have much time to choose when I have time to go. And when there is 'rebajas', they are normally
sold out of the good stuff."
August 2007
What car(s) are you driving at the moment when you're at home?
- "I have a Range Rover Sport Supercharged, red outside, white inside. I'm so much in
love with this car. And I have a silver Porsche Carrera S. When I had my best friend in Barcelona one
week in April, I let her the car for this time!"
September 2007
What is your favorite meal to cook/bake? Could you give us the recipe? -
"I don't cook much. When I get home I'm tired and I would cook very simple things wich I don't need to
explain how to cook. But when I was little, I loved to cook an apple cake called 'sharlotka'. You can find a recipe how
to cook it everywhere, I don't remember."
October 2007
Favorite flower - "Flowers are nice! I guess roses are the best
and the prettiest ones."
November 2007
- No questions due to the off-season this month. Please check back in
January. -
December 2007
- No questions due to the off-season this month. Please check back in
January. -
January 2008
What's the fastest speed you ever drove? - "I
was driving my car with about 220."
February 2008
The song that is stuck in your head at
the moment - "Ayo Technology by – of course
– 50 Cent"
March 2008
Your preferred airline when travelling - "I love russian ones because there are many russian people and all
are talking russian and I miss it."
June 2010
Sveta's color connotations - As it's 2010
now, we decided to move the Birthday special 2009 here. And as there are still some more colors to come, get sure to come back and check them out!